Robert Brik

Mechanical/Design Engineer

Reactor Rage: Autonomous Response Robot

Reactor Rage: Autonomous Response Robot

Mock Fukushima Disaster Response Robot

  • Objective:
    • Autonomously find an access hole and reach into a building.
    • Cool down a reactor.
    • Rotate a valve to turn a pipe off.
    • Move debris to gain access to a pipe and cool it.
  • Strategy: Enter autonomously; focus on cooling the reactor and closing the valve.
  • Team: Robert Brik (captain), Wes McDougal, Ron Wilcox, Deniz Sevinc, & Becky Vasquez

Reactor Rage: Autonomous Response Robot


  • Simple four joint design that attaches to an XY-gantry:
    • Prismatic joint for lowering into access hole and onto the valve.
    • Two revolute joints for reaching the reactor and valve.
    • Rotating end effector for turning the valve.
  • Feedback via servos and encoder.
  • Two cameras to see inside of buidling - one on the gantry and one near the end effector.
  • Design Successes:
    • Small and lightweight with powerful motors - allowed for fast movement and ability to avoid obstacles.
    • Easy to build and modify.
    • Repeatable motion.
  • Design Drawbacks:
    • Requires fairly precise positioning for rotating the valve.
    • Due to the combination of multiple servo models, the joints rotated different distances for the same input signal.

Reactor Rage: Autonomous Response Robot


  • Using an edge based identification technique, the robot scanned the arena to search for a corner of the green rectangle and find the access hole.
  • Developed a state based control system for controlling the robot to simplify teleoperation mode.
  • Created 'Soft Boundaries' to help the robot navigate and avoid the access port walls during teleoperation.
  • Design Successes:
    • Easy to control.
    • Robust and repeatable joint movement.
    • Succesful implementation of states allowing the operator to perform discreet tasks in various orders.
  • Design Drawbacks:
    • Discreet not continuous scanning for access hole.
    • Difficulty identifying rectangle if a line is found instead of an edge.
    • Limited visibility through cameras.

Robot & Competition

Reactor Rage: Autonomous Response Robot


Reactor Rage: Autonomous Response Robot

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